p5-URI-Escape-XS (V) | | Escape and unescape unsafe characters in URIs |
p5-URI-FromHash (V) | | Build a URI from a set of named parameters |
p5-URI-Query (V) | | Perl5 module providing URI query string manipulation |
p5-VRML (V) | | Set of VRML classes for Perl |
p5-WebService-Google-Reader | | Perl 5 module providing an interface to Google Reader |
p5-WebService-MusicBrainz | | Perl 5 module providing an interface to MusicBrainz |
p5-X500-DN | | Handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names), parse and format them |
p5-XML-RPC | | Pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server |
p5-XMLRPC-Lite | | Client and server implementation of XML-RPC protocol |
p5-Zabbix-Sender | | Pure-perl implementation of zabbix-sender |
packit | | Network auditing tool with the ability to manipulate IP traffic |
paris-traceroute | | Traceroute-like network diagnosis and measurement tool |
parpd | | RFC1027 compliant Proxy ARP Daemon |
partysip | | SIP proxy server |
pchar | | Tool for measuring Internet path characteristics |
pconsole | | Parallel console tool to access several host via one input tty |
pear-Net_DIME | | PHP classes that implements DIME encoding |
pear-Net_IDNA2 | | Punycode encoding and decoding |
pear-Net_LDAP2 | | Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries |
pear-Net_LDAP3 | | Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries |
pear-Net_Sieve | | PHP classes that handles talking to timsieved |
pear-Net_SMTP | | PHP classes to provide SMTP Interface |
pear-Net_Socket | | PHP classes to provide Network Socket Interface |
pear-Net_URL | | PHP classes to easy parsing of URLs |
pear-Net_URL2 | | PHP class for parsing and handling URL |
pear-SOAP | | SOAP Client/Server for PHP |
pen | | Load balancer for simple tcp based protocols |
perlbal | | Very configurable load balancer in perl |
pfnet | | Minimal FNET-like ICB client written in Perl |
php-baikal | | Lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server |
php-ftp | | PHP extension for FTP access |
php-geoip | | PHP module to map IP address to geographic places |
php-snmp | | PHP extension for SNMP |
php-soap | | PHP extension for SOAP functions |
php-sockets | | PHP extension for sockets support |
php-xmlrpc | | PHP extension for XML-RPC support |
php-yaz | | PHP extension for YAZ |
pim6dd | | IPv6 PIM dense mode daemon |
pim6sd | | IPv6 PIM sparse mode daemon |
pload | | Network interface monitor for X11, monitoring totals and in/out rates |
podcastdl | | Podcastdl is a CLI podcast client |
poink | | Nosuid, absolutely secure version of ping utility |
poptop | | PPTP server with support for Microsoft VPN clients |
portmap | | RPC portmapper with access control |
powerdns | | Modern, advanced and high performance nameserver |
powerdns-geoip | | GeoIP backend module for PowerDNS |
powerdns-ldap | | LDAP backend module for PowerDNS |
powerdns-mysql | | MySQL backend module for PowerDNS |
powerdns-odbc | | ODBC backend module for PowerDNS |
powerdns-pgsql | | PostgreSQL backend module for PowerDNS |
powerdns-recursor | | PowerDNS resolver/recursing nameserver |
pppd | | PPP Daemon |
pptp | | PPTP client package for Microsoft VPN servers |
proftpd | | Highly configurable FTP server software |
proftpd-geoip | | Geolocation module for proftpd |
proftpd-ldap | | LDAP module for ProFTPD |
proftpd-memcached | | Memcache module for ProFTPD |
proftpd-mysql | | MySQL module for proftpd |
proftpd-odbc | | ODBC module for ProFTPD |
proftpd-postgresql | | PostgreSQL module for ProFTPD |
proftpd-sqlite | | SQLite module for ProFTPD |
proxycheck | | Tester for open (promiscuous) proxy systems |
proxytunnel | | Connect stdin/stdout to a remote host through a standard HTTPS proxy |
publicfile | | Secure read-only HTTP and FTP servers |
publicfile-run | | Configures publicfile to serve public files |
puf | | Parallel URL fetcher |
pulledpork | | Script for Snort and Suricata rule management |
pure-ftpd | | Secure FTP daemon with optional SQL support |
pxe | | Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) daemon |
py-adns | | Python interface to the GNU asynchronous DNS resolver library |
py-altgraph (V) | | Graph (network) package for constructing graphs |
py-amqp | | Low-level AMQP client for Python |
py-apache-libcloud | | Python library for interacting with cloud service providers |
py-awscli | | Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services |
py-beanstalkc | | Simple beanstalkd client library for Python |
py-bitmessage | | P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages |
py-bonjour | | Python interface to interact with Bonjour |
py-boto | | Python interface to Amazon web services |
py-boto3 | | Amazon Web Services SDK for Python |
py-botocore | | Low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services |
py-buildbot (V) | | Continuous integration system |
py-buildbot-console-view (V) | | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-grid-view (V) | | Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-pkg (V) | | Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-waterfall-view (V) | | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-worker (V) | | Worker for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-www (V) | | Web frontend for the buildbot CI system |
py-caldav | | CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python |
py-cares | | Python interface for c-ares |
py-celery | | Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing |
py-cfscrape (V) | | Python module for dealing with Cloudfare protection |
py-cookies (V) | | RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer |
py-cymruwhois | | Client for the whois.cymru.com service |
py-dns | | Python DNS toolkit |
py-dnsdiag | | DNS Diagnostics and Performance Measurement Tools |
py-dpkt | | Python packet creation / parsing library |
py-dropbox | | Dropbox Python API |
py-eventlib | | Asynchronous event tracking app for Django |
py-flower | | Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery task queue |
py-foolscap | | RPC protocol for Twisted |